The Septopus has wriggled his way out of the box!

Did I say my new book was being published in October? Yes, I did and I hear you say, it’s October and WHERE’S YOUR NEW BOOK?

Here it is, I tell you! It just came back from the printers. “The book is back from the printers” – some of the sweetest words in the world to an author’s ears!

I received the books and it was a fantastic moment to see all those Septopuses in the box – real, actual books I could touch and feel, and lift out. The Septopus is truly out into the real world everyone!

My book is published under the imprint Owltitude Press which is my new publishing venture and so we’re very busy – it’s not just “now the book’s published, let’s sit back”. It’s even more work from here as we get the books out to those who’ve pre-ordered (thank you to those who are supporting us – and for those who’d like to order mail – it’s free postage within Australia if you order before the 26 October 2024, and you can order Princess Hayley’s Comet from us too (same deal, free postage before 26 October 2024!). All books will also be signed.

Look at all the books stacked up ready to be shipped out! (That owl is just guarding the packages – we’re Owltitude Press and we keep the owl, thanks!)

Of course, you could also come to the book launch which is on at Book Face St Ives (Berkelouw), 166 Mona Vale Rd St Ives at 11am on Saturday 26 October 2024. There’ll be free refreshments, and a free shark pen for anyone who buys a book.

Stanley the Septopus is feeling particularly joyous today!


An exciting announcement! My next book, Septopus, is coming out this October. I can hardly wait …

Septopus is about a seven-tentacled octopus called Stanley. Seven tentacles, you say? Don’t octopuses have eight tentacles?

That’s right, most do. In fact all of them do … except Stanley. That’s why Stanley’s life is a bit difficult. It’s hard to live in a world that’s built for the eight-tentacled when you’ve got only seven. Even though you and I would think “Seven tentacles – that’s a lot!”, octopuses look at Stanley and think “You haven’t got enough arms and legs, Stanley!”

But Stanley’s just trying to live a normal life – sport, finding friends, going to parties, working out school and figuring out his family. That is, if only other sea animals would stop trying to remind him that he’s not their idea of normal.

This cover was illustrated by the fantabulous Kathy Creamer, who also illustrated my first chapter book, Princess Hayley’s Comet, and I’m sure you’ll agree it’s amazing!

Septopus by Rebecca Fung illustrated by Kathy Creamer

Introducing Cherry

Earlier last year I did a little interview about myself and A Very Special Moon Mission with Helen Edwards. Helen writes a blog with all sorts of Australian authors and I was very lucky to spend some time with her. I also introduced to the world my sister’s dog, Cherry.

Helen and I discussed a bit about what I enjoyed about my work and what keeps me writing. For instance, I love strong emotions in stories and I’m always asking questions – this helps me keep writing as it makes me want to know more about my story! There’s always more to explore. Every question brings up answers but it also brings up more questions!

Here is the link to Helen’s fantastic blog. You can read about some other authors there, and a little bit more about me! I’m also adding the picture of Cherry and me to this post.

Rebecca and Cherry

How to purchase

In case you are having difficulty purchasing either Princess Hayley’s Comet or A Very Special Moon Mission, don’t despair! Here’s some tips and links.

You can buy the books from Booktopia:

Princess Hayley’s Comet
A Very Special Moon Mission

You can buy direct from the publisher, Christmas Press.

The books are both available in some libraries and bookstores. If you can’t find them, you can ask for them to be ordered them – most libraries and bookstores take requests/orders.

These are the details you need:

Title: Princesss Hayley’s Comet
Author: Rebecca Fung
Publisher: Christmas Press
ISBN: 9780994528070

Title: A Very Special Moon Mission
Author: Rebecca Fung
Publisher: Christmas Press
ISBN: 9780645378801

Princess Hayley’s Comet is also available in an ebook and audiobook!

You can buy the audiobook here on Booktopia and also on Kobo, Google Play, Scribd, Apple, Nook and others!

You can buy the ebook on Booktopia, Dymocks and other places!


Author and illustrator finally meet

You may have this idea that authors do all the illustrations for their books. That sometimes happens if the author is very good at drawing AND writing but that’s not me. I needed a talented artist for both my books.

You might have some image, then, of author and illustrator working side by side. Writing and drawing and sharing hot mugs of cocoa. The author saying “I know what could happen to the characters!” and the illustrator yelling out “Hey, I’m drawing it write now!” and then the illustrator saying “Look at this picture I want to put in the book” and the author saying “That’s so perfect – it’s made me think of a WONDERFUL story I want to write to go with it – just let me jot it down!”

Then they would take lots of nice breaks, ambles among the trees and by the beach. There would be cake and chocolate. Lots of cake and chocolate. And spotting of cute owls along the way.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work quite like this though many of us wish it would.

My gorgeously illustrated book, A Very Special Moon Mission, was illustrated by the talented David Allan and it was published and I didn’t meet him. I thought I wouldn’t.

Then last year, at a Book Fair in Sydney, David and I met. It was a lovely opportunity and David is as friendly and nice as he is a great artist. We had to take a photo of this (actually quite rare) occurrence!

While there wasn’t a lot of owl-spotting, David was making some dragon toys at the Book Fair so there was dragon-spotting – not a bad substitute!

A Very Special Moon Mission is published!

Yesterday, A Very Special Moon Mission was published! It is now available to buy – yes, actually to be handled by your fingertips which has to be one of the most exciting things about writing a book – actually making a something that is real … and yet very unreal too. Because you can do anything in books.

In this adventure, Phoebe and Elliot are best friends who go to a Space Station and meet astronauts in training. They are joined by a not-so-popular girl, Julia, and “accidentally” launch a spaceship to the moon with the help of a rather cheeky supercomputer, IMP. Of course, getting to the moon seems like lots of fun … then they realise the big problem is … getting back to Earth!

As it’s school holidays, there’s also time for activities. There are teacher’s notes and fun activities to go with the book like how to make your own rocketship out of a bottle, or a space-based word search. And I have my Goodreads page for the book if anyone would like to review it!

Big comet coming to Earth – see it in July 2022!

One of the biggest comets ever to be spotted by scientists is headed towards Earth. It can now be spotted by small telescopes and should be closest to Earth on 14 July. However, on 13 July 2022 a supermoon will be brighten the sky and this might make it harder to see, so it’s probably better to try to look for it now – or even a bit after – it might even be visible up to September.

The catchy name for this comet is C/2017 K2. I am sure Princess Hayley would have loved it.

Australia and space

Did you know that Australia has been involved in the world’s discovery of what’s going on in space? We even have our own space agency!

This is something I didn’t know until I started writing about Princess Hayley’s Comet, and even more, A Very Special Moon Mission. I read a lot about space and moon missions and it’s really interesting stuff. Of course, I’d heard a lot about space when I was growing up but most of the stories you read and movies you watch are about Americans and Russians and the space race. They’re lots of fun, of course. One of the most touching ones I read when I was younger was a great story called The Cosmonaut about a young Russian boy who wanted so much to be a cosmonaut and his teacher who encouraged his dream.

Later, I loved the movie Gattaca as it depicted a man who would go to any lengths to go to space.

But it was a very different experience when I attended a talk from a representative of the Australian Space Agency. He told us about how Australians had been assisting in these space projects. Unlike many of the Australian and Russian stories, we probably won’t be the single heroes who will have our faces in the magazines. However, as he pointed out, space projects require a great deal of collaboration and Australia is part of a team effort. We have a lot of … well … space in Australia to construct things like the infrastructure that can be helpful for these space projects (Space for Space!). We can be very proud of the contribution we make to something that’s exciting for the entire world.

I later watched a great movie called The Dish which shows the critical part that Australia played in bringing the first moon landing to everyone worldwide. Something a lot of people don’t know about. It’s funny and very Aussie and absolutely inspiring.